Thursday, 30 June 2011

A treasure discovered on a Friday evening...(Miss Salt)

Shooting through space is a star.
A shimmering, glimmering, sparkling star.
As it shoots across the glowing Milky Way,
it's the only star that is as bright as the sun.
It listens to grant someone a wish...

Hannah Mesley and Jorien Fourie

Room 7 interviews Dean about the rubbish at Reremoana School

Room 7's Inquiry this term has evolved from learning about the water cycle, to taking an interest in the environment in general, to what we can do to help look after it. We decided that we can have the greatest impact on our home and school environments, and thought we better find out what the situation is with rubbish at Reremoana School.

Hi Dean, welcome to Room 7, we were wondering...

What should we put in the classroom recycling bin?
You can put paper, plastic containers, glass bottles, and cardboard.
Is it OK to put plastic, like bottles, yoghurt containers, etc into the recycling bins?
All plastics are OK, but it is good if you can rinse them before putting them in the bin.
What should we NOT put in the classroom recycling bin?
Rubbish, like food waste, plastic bags, plastic wrappings, paint, drinking glasses, ceramics (e.g. dinner plates), window glass, and batteries.
Do all the classes put the right things into the classroom recycling bins?
Not always. I get quite a lot of sandwiches and apple cores.
What kinds of things do you see in the green bins outside?
General waste. For example paper, food, yoghurt pottles etc.
Do you sort the rubbish from the green bins and recycle it?
Sometimes. If its big, like cardboard, I will lift it out.
Where does the rubbish go when you collect it?
Classroom recycling bins go into the big Manukau city recycling bins. All other rubbish goes into the red bin, that then goes to the land fill.
Can we set up a new recycling system, that has a compost bin, a bin for recycling and a bin for non-recyclable rubbish?
Yes. When I mow the lawns I have a lot of clippings, so I am looking at making a compost bin.
Would this new system make your job more difficult?
No, not if everyone used it properly.
Do you think it is possible that our school could make zero rubbish? Why?
No. Because of all the wrappers, like glad wrap, tinfoil, plastic bags, and chippie packets, because plastic wrappings are not recyclable.
Could we put signs up around the school reminding people to pick up their rubbish?
Yes, you could.
What is the biggest problem with rubbish at Reremoana School?
There is quite a lot of rubbish going down the drains. When you are not at school, I have to lift up the covers and clean up the drains. This time of year there are a lot of mice, when they see food they come in.
Is there anything you would like to see happen at Reremoana School to do with rubbish?
It would be nice if everyone picked up their rubbish. Sometimes I find it in hiding places, tucked in seats, in cloak bays, in the gardens etc.
Do you agree that Glad wrap is evil?
I suppose so, because it can’t be recycled.
What do you do with the rubbish that isn’t in the bin?
I pick it up and sort it.
Is it tiring cleaning up the school? Could we help?
Yes. It would be great if you could help keep things tidy.
Do you recycle at home?
Yes, I recycle. I have three children, 23, 21, and 20, and I still have to tell them to put their bottles in the recycling bins. If we could all recycle now, then the less land fill we will need in the future.
Do you like cleaning up the rubbish?
Yeah, someones got to do it, and I like having a clean school.
Do you use gloves when you pick it up?
I always wash my hands after picking it up, so I don’t get any germs on me.
Do you like your job?
Yeah I do. Its probably the best job I have every had.

Thanks Dean, we all really appreciate you taking the time to come and talk with us.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

under water breathing apparatus

I am moving gently over the slippery seaweed and wrinkled rocks. Bubbles burst from me, wobbling like little jellyfish as they rise. I can see silver fish swimming sweetly away. I cheek my air and realise I don't have as much time as I need to see everything, but that is what makes it so special.

Written by Ashley Chappell, inspired by "The Bridge to Terabithia"


Congratulations to all the Room Seven-ers that participated in J-Rock last night. What a fantastic show!

Monday, 6 June 2011

Foot Locker Art Prize

Tuesday afternoon saw Room 7 busy creating hot new designs for the Foot Locker art prize. 
With $50,001 up for grabs, everyone was excited and working hard!

Mum or Dad will need to help you with the entry details, so check out the following website for more information.