Today Room 7 did some Mart!
What’s Mart you’re wondering...?
Well it’s maths/geometry and art mixed together, interesting huh.
Well if it sounds so amazing why don’t you give it a GO !!!
Step one: Get a rectangular shaped piece of paper.
Step two: Find the middle centre of the page and draw a little dot on it.
Step three: Pick four shapes to do on the corner (not too close to the corner of the page) (please don’t try to use a octagon it’s too big)
Step four: After you have drawn the shapes then draw a line from each shape’s edge to the dot (not all of the corners have to have a line maybe 1,2 or 3 is the max )
Step five: Once you have done that, go over your pencil lines with vivid. Then get some dye and dye your shapes and lines (but first get a pencil and draw smaller shapes inside your larger shape)
Step six: Make a colourful background and feel very proud of yourself.
Step seven: Leave your amazing Mart to dry in a very safe place.
Step eight: Put some sparkly glitter on top!!!
Step nine: Last but not least admire your Mart by putting it either in a frame, laminating it or get some Blu-tack and stick it up either on your bedroom wall or in your lounge etc.
By: Janelle and Ashleigh :)