Thursday 8 December 2011

The last two days

The last two days have been pretty fun.
We've done baking, clay decorations, reindeer cups and also christmas crackers.
On Wednesday we made stained glass windows you can eat. 
They were very nice but easy.
On Thursday we did clay xmas decorations.
They were very hard to keep and make stable.
It couldn't be too thick and couldn't be to thin.
Then we made some reindeer cups and you had to use your hands as the antlers.
We also made christmas crackers we filled them up with some goodies like... a balloon a toffee a lollypop a row of stickers and we were aloud to write a joke and put the joke in.
The last baking thing we did was xmas chocolate balls.
We were aloud to roll the chocolate balls in cocoa powder it was seriously dry powder.
It was a couple of fun days but it is sad that they are over...

By Rosie Watson

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